How to Repurpose Household Items to Encourage Speech and Language skills at home: DIY Hockey

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Hi, I’m Amanda, a licensed pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist). I am passionate about empowering you with the tools to get your child talking. I love working with parents to take the guesswork out of getting your baby, toddler o…

Hi, I’m Amanda, a licensed pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist). I am passionate about empowering you with the tools to get your child talking. I love working with parents to take the guesswork out of getting your baby, toddler or preschooler talking.

Children love playing with toys but I have a secret for you! Children love playing with items that are not “typically” toys even more. When household items are turned into toys this encourages pretend play. Pretend play is part of child development and children learn through play.

Here is an easy to create activity at home using household items that you ALREADY have.
Materials Needed: 2 Cereal Boxes (Goals) 2/4 Empty Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls (2 for 2 players and 4 for 4 players) (Hockey Sticks) Juice Cap (Top from Orange Juice, Lemonade, Water- any bottle cap will work) (Hockey Puck)

Quick Tip Use a small piece of tape to secure each box to the floor

Ages This is an activity for Ages 2+.

Ways to Encourage Speech/Language Skills •Say ”Ready, Set……. GO!”(Wait for your child to say “GO”) Model it first and then the next time, have your child fill in the blank. •Demonstrate moving the hockey puck “fast” and then moving it “slow”. • Work on turn-taking skills by practicing to pass the hockey puck to some.

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