nyc speech therapy

5 Ways to Teach Your Child to Talk Using Bubbles


Did you know that some sounds are easier to say than others and some sounds develop earlier than others?

Some of the early developing sounds include P, B, M and W. These sounds tend to be easier for a reason. You'll notice that to say each of these sounds you use your lips (and yes.. it's totally okay if you say these sounds aloud right now to see if in fact you use your lips). Download your speech sound development guide by clicking here.

These sounds are considered easier and early developing because you can see them on your face. AKA if your child can SEE how to make the sound, it is easier for your child to IMITATE the sound.

You can use BUBBLES to focus on the early sounds P, B, M and W.

Bubbles can be so motivating for children and as a result lead to them wanting to communicate with you.


Here are 5 ways to use bubbles to encourage speech and language skills

1. Say BUBBLES as you blow the bubbles.

2. Say “MORE” as you ask your child if they want MORE bubbles (PRO TIP: use the sign for more as you say the word more)

3. Say “WOW” as you blow lots of bubbles.

4. Say “WHOA” when there's a big bubble.

5. Say “POP” as you pop the bubbles. (PRO TIP: This is a great way to practice pointing)

It is okay if your child doesn't repeat the words that you say or if they don't say any of these words yet. It is also important for your child to hear you saying the words too.

Found This Helpful?

If you liked this post and want additional ideas to get your child talking, sign up for my mailing list and get a copy of my Speech Sound Development Guide with First Word Tips for FREE.

Looking for more tips to help get your toddler talking. Check out my online course, Talking Tips Academy™ that is reopening it’s doors soon by clicking HERE.

5 Ways to Get your Toddler to Talk while Opening Presents

Did you know that you can build a strong foundation for speech and language development during daily routines?
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 are everywhere. No matter what you are doing or where you are there are plenty of opportunities for your child to learn to talk.

What to Say Instead of "Use your Words"

what to say instead of use your words nyc speech therapy.png
Hi, I’m Amanda, a licensed pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist). I am passionate about empowering you with the tools to get your child talking. I love working with parents to take the guesswork out of getting your baby, toddler o…

Hi, I’m Amanda, a licensed pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (Speech Therapist). I am passionate about empowering you with the tools to get your child talking. I love working with parents to take the guesswork out of getting your baby, toddler or preschooler talking.

Are you looking for a way to help your child communicate? One of the best ways to help children communicate is to MODEL what to say and HOW to say it.

Have you been in a situation where your child was crying and not telling you what’s the matter? Did your child continue to stare at you or cry? Have you used the phrase “use your words”? Please know that we have all used this phrase before. You have not caused any harm by using it.

When you use the phrase, “use your words” this implies that your child knows what to say and the exact words to use. Your child may or may not know what to say. They might know what to say but when they are upset, they struggle to formulate a sentence in that moment. Your child may not have these words in their vocabulary yet.


Let’s take the demands off your child when they struggle to communicate, are upset or are having a tantrum.

We can make this moment easier by GUIDING them and COACHING them through it.

The best way to help children communicate is to MODEL what to say and HOW to say it. When you show your child what to say , this builds their skills for the future.

Again, I want to reiterate, if you have used the phrase “use your words”, you have not caused any harm. Try this tip next time.


MODEL the words to use: Use simple language that’s easy to understand.
STATE the exact words to use. (I want juice. I want milk.)
THINK- ALOUD: Talk about how you solve problems so your little one can hear your internal thought  process. (The store is out of chocolate milk but we can buy milk and chocolate syrup to make our own.}
✅ Acknowledge their GESTURES: if your child is pointing at something, say the words that go along with the gesture. (If they point at a toy or food, say “You want the ball? Here’s the ball. You want a cookie? Here’s a cookie.”)
✅ Teach FEELING words- talk about different emotions and feelings.(I see that you are mad/upset/frustrated.) When you talk about feeling words/emotions this gives your child the words to use later on so that they can say “I am mad.” “I am sad.” “I am happy.”)

Looking for more tips to help get your toddler talking. Checkout my online course, Talking Tips Academy™ that is now available for preorder by clicking HERE.

If you found these tips useful be sure to download your FREE Speech Sound Development Guide with first words tips to learn what sounds to expect and how to encourage more words!

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